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Issue Deleting Recurring Slot
I had set up a morning routine slot and was going to add a task to it from ClickUp, but then I decided to just remove the ClickUp task (as it was not showing up in the calendar even though I had that space/list selected) and recreate the routine fully in Akiflow. So, I ended up deleting the routine slot and recreating it with an Akiflow task. But, Akiflow would not recreate the slot easily. It kept trying to start it on a future date instead of yesterday's date. So, I ended up creating a couple of slots and then applying the task to those slots. Then, this morning I went to the mobile (Android) and saw that the morning routine flow was on my calendar 4 times today, 3 times tomorrow, and then not at all after tomorrow. The task was showing up separately in mobile two times today, and then once tomorrow and each day after that. I tried to delete the duplicates, but was only able to delete some of them. I went back to the desktop and saw that today only shows the task (no slot), tomorrow shows two slots and one task, and then the task repeats on the days following without a slot. On the day I had to use to start a new slot instance (08/13), I see one slot and one task. After that, the task continues to recur. I've included screenshots of the mobile and desktop, along with a recording of trying to delete on the mobile. Mobile Screenshare: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/abu6gp9y6rfiknwdm2h6u/Screen_Recording_20240725_061658_Akiflow.mp4?rlkey=z7quxeky0a4okgi1qv54erw03&st=itswbqwe&dl=0
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