Authentication issue
Crista Cooper
For the past short while, authentication only sticks for an hour or so, necessitating multiple logins to Google to reauthenticate throughout the day, which is too inconvenient to use all day when this happens.
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Jeson P
Jeson P
under review
Jeson P
Hi Crista Cooper! Could you please send a screenshot of the error?
Crista Cooper
Jeson P Sure thing! It is the regular disconnect notification by the look of it, it just happens over and over now throughout the day. Thanks for your assistance!
Jayrich Sebullen
Crista Cooper: Have you tried deleting the integration and reconnecting it? Also, when connecting Gmail to Akiflow, did you grant all the necessary permissions when prompted? Try completely removing the Gmail integration for the affected account, then reconnect it, ensuring all permissions are allowed. Let me know how it goes. TIA!
Crista Cooper
Jayrich Sebullen I have deleted and readded the integration and so far the error has not reoccurred. Yes, I had granted all permissions (each time) also and it was good for a very long time until it stopped holding my approvals, but this time it stuck after I redid the process. Thanks for your assistance.