๐Ÿ“‚ App Footer & Pages
  • Enhanced
    bottom navigation
    styles and UX for a smoother experience.
  • Added
    Week and Month views
    to quickly check tasks within time frames.
๐Ÿ“… Plan Review
  • New
    search options
    allow you to find specific dates, times, and time frames while planning a task.
  • Overhauled
    planning experience
    with a redesigned UX for easier and more intuitive task scheduling.
  • Improved
    natural language recognition
    , now fully aligned with the desktop version.
  • Enhanced
    (time frames, dates and time slots) in the planning options to make task planning more seamless.
โœ๏ธ Task Interaction
  • Refined
    swipe behaviors
    for more intuitive task management.
  • Improved
    task selection
    multiple selection UX
    , and
    functionality within the calendar.
  • Added drag-and-drop capability for tasks within
    Time Slots
  • Automatic project assignment
    for tasks added to slots, just like on the desktop version.