"NEXT" (or "ANYTIME") Snooze designation.
For me, there's a huge gap between "Someday" and a task that's fully scheduled.
Because there isn't a clear place to put important tasks that can't be scheduled yet, I often find myself either with:
- overcrowded Today views;
- pressing tasks I randomly snooze or schedule to appear later, just because I can't finish them today;
- an Inbox I haven't fully processed because I can't decide quite where/when things go (which leaves important stuff intermixed with things that just haven't been processed); or
- a huge Someday folder full of too many items that I actually want to work in ASAP.
A Next or Anytime designation and folder would be fantastic for a tight list of ASAP items that just don't belong on any one day yet -- eg., something new that's landed on the desk before I've made room for it, or the list of important things just below the Absolutely Today priority.
Any consideration for a solution to categorizing tasks that don't yet belong on the calendar but are too pressing to risk burying in Someday?
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Hi everyone,
We just released a new version of Akiflow with some huge changes!
We removed the Snooze feature (no worries, no tasks are lost and ‘Someday’ it’s still there!) and added Time Frames, reviewing completely the Upcoming view, the Plan options and the Rituals (adding weekly ones as well).
You can find here the list of today’s updates: https://product.akiflow.com/changelog.
So you can now plan tasks for "this week" or "this month" and get back at them whenever you can.
Let me know what you think about the new release and what we can improve for you.
Stephanie Ismail
💯 exactly this
I have identical experience. Someday are too hidden and hard to access and tend to die in the void of time. A workaround would be to create a special tag for those
saunter Yep, that's it exactly. It often leaves me nervous I'll lose track of something big that doesn't have a home yet on the calendar.
Jeson P
Dodge: I usually set a recurring task once every 2 weeks on my calendar to check Someday page! This might help you too! But in general I get your point. We will check on this :)
Jeson P Good idea, though I’m thinking of the kind of tasks where two weeks later would be way too late. For most Someday tasks, that’s perfect. I’m thinking of things we don’t want to push from day to day but need to get in within the next week, max, but don’t have a clear space or day for. I’m looking for ways to reduce clutter but keep key tasks close by. Thanks for taking a look!
Jeson P
Dodge: I see. How about trying to create a project to replicate that sections then adding that project to the relevant tasks before adding them to the 'Someday' page. This way you have them out of your inbox, but if you wanna work on the tasks inside that project, you have quick access to them and restore them to your inbox! Let me know!
Jeson P Hi, Jeson. There is this work-around, sure, but then I have to move each task out of its proper project with all their related tasks as well as forgo the stats that should track that by project. Alternatively, I can just create a NEXT tag. But then to see that urgent list, I have to go to All Tasks, filter out all the Done and Deleted tasks, and sort by NEXT to see them all -- which is such a pain that it really isn't much help. Hence the request! :)
But I still think it's a good one and would be widely used if available as a Snooze function. How nice would it be to have a short list of ASAP tasks that are neither crowding the schedule nor more than a click away? Thanks.
Jeson P
Dodge: Thank you for explaining this! This will help our devs on how to approach this feature if they decide to work on this in the future!
Jeson P My pleasure. Thank you to you and the team for being open to your fans' requests! :)
One more thought on this to consider: The most important part of a "Next" or "On Deck" designation would be that it was used well rather than becoming a pile of postponed tasks we mean to do but never get to. One idea might be either to limit the number of tasks that would be allowed to be put into it (maybe the user can choose that number in Settings). This would help keep that list really tight. Another idea would be to regularly prompt the user to review that list, perhaps during the Daily Review or with a pop-up prompt. You could even flag items with the number of days they'd been waiting. None of this is needed for the folder to be helpful, but I bet folks would appreciate a nudge for these important items. :)
under review
Stefania: Thank you!! :)