Rituals: Create custom rituals
I think it would be very useful to create custom rituals and a bit more customisation within them (eg. plannin only for one project)
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Bayard Rea
FYI, there was a conversation about this on Slack where it was suggested we not just customize the ritual questions but that we could add a few ritual-only tasks (maybe a checklist). I agree with Yasmine Madkour that it would be cool to have that option — rather than clutter our task list or create a new Time Slot, this would let you have a few planning and shutdown items appear only during that process. (Eg, Clear my desk, close tabs, close open apps when shutting down the day; or choosing a Most Important Thing when planning the day or week…)
Peache Torren
Bayard Rea: Thank you for your feedback. We will make sure to update you if our developer decided to work on this.
Therese Chua
Merged in a post:
Rituals: I would like to add custom steps to Rituals so that I can incorporate my own routines into Akiflow's built-in Rituals
It would be really nice to be able to "extend" Akiflow's built-in Rituals with additional checklist items. This could replace daily recurring tasks for things you want to do every day. E.g. every morning I like to do the same "startup" routine. Included in that is reviewing my tasks for the day, which the morning Ritual already does for me. But it would be wonderful to be able to add a few more "custom" steps to the morning Ritual to track other things I like to do at the start of every day.
John Villarasa
Thank you for sharing your ideas, Brock! I totally agree with you on this one. I understand that the daily planning is awesome but the idea of having those little personal touches would make it a great addition too! We will definitely reconsider this if we decide to work on this in the future!
Merged in a post:
Customize Rituals
I'd really love to be able to customize the questions for both Daily and Weekly planning rituals. You'd have some default ones of course, but for those who'd like a little more reflection on what's coming or what just passed, this would be a nice place to leave ourselves questions/prompts. They could be anything, but "List some wins today/this week. List some areas you want to improve..." might be a direction, or "Where were your time estimates most and least accurate? Why?" would be another for those working on this. For me, I'd love to be prompted to think about 1-3 things each day and week that look like they'll be the most essential to it being a day/week I feel great about, and then prompt me to set those as Daily Goals. Anyway, it would be a great way to set Akiflow apart and wouldn't be heavy on the programming side!
Hi Jakub, can you tell me more about this?:)
Stefania: eg create a ritual to plan tasks from one selected label (eg "evening hobbies") at a certain selected time. I suppose there may be more customisations, but that's the basis
Jakub: Thanks Jakub, I'll let you know if we add this:) In the meantime I'd suggest a recurring task to remember to do it!