Someday page review
under review
Show me how old is a task on the someday page
This would help me prioritize which task to focus on next.
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I suggested this elsewhere, but maybe it belongs here, while Someday is under review. I really think Akiflow could use one more designation for as-yet-unplannable tasks that could be called something like Anytime, Next, or On Deck -- sort of like unscheduled Someday tasks, but more pressing?
Here's the argument for it: Currently, for stuff we can easily schedule because life allows, we just pick an hour or day and plan it; for stuff we have no real plans to do at all yet (if ever), there's Someday, and we can come back whenever; but for pressing things that fall in our laps that are between those two, the only real option is to crowd Today or Snooze those for another time. Snooze is one of the genius parts of Akiflow, but for really important stuff we need to keep handy to work into a crowded schedule as soon as we can, it's not always great.
If I have a handful of tasks every week like this, I'd love them to be easily within reach rather than disappearing and reappearing for repeated processing, or buried in the All Tasks menus where we can find Snoozed items. Yes, using Tags can help, but it's not as elegant or accessible as a separate menu category like this. Things 3 is much praised for its Anytime designation, and Akiflow could put its own (better) spin on it and help us all.
Hope you'll consider this when you're already reworking the way Akiflow handles the unplanned tasks in Someday. Thank you!
B.: Hi! Thanks for your message. I saw your other request on this topic and we're truly considering this, so I'll keep you posted! Thanks again for taking the time to share your feedback :)
Stefania My apologies for spamming you with this idea! Many thanks for giving it some thought. 🙏🏼
B.: Please keep spamming, I love your ideas!:)
Stefania . Will do! 😂🙏🏼😊
Christoph Foulger
Future planning with matrix would AMAZING! Another app I previewed called it an Eisenhower Matrix.
- Urgent / important
- Urgent / not important
- Not urgent / important
- not urgent / not important.
Fingers crossed
under review
a ritual for someday planning would be awesome
Francesco Tisci
Eric Cress
I would love to see both the Someday page and the All Tasks page have an option to separate tasks by Label. I.e., similar to sort-by-label but include a header for each label to improve the UX. And.. There really needs to be a "no label" filter. I.e., show only tasks that don't have a label. Thanks!
Hi everyone! I'd like to hear your feedback/use case on this feature. What do you need exactly? Is the sort by creation date helping to review your Someday page? Thank you:)
Stefania: absolutely what I needed, thanks for getting that into the app!
Stefania: from my point of view it should be something like OmniFocus, every few days (maybe a week by default) you force the user to review the page showing different possibilities to filter the tasks, maybe highlighting the oldest ones,
Pietropaolo: Yeah, I think that would work well, use some type of promt. I don't know if I would like to have another visual icon in tasks that show how old the task is, even if it only appears when a task is very old.
Eric Cress
Stefania: For me, I'm not big on automatic prompts because they can annoy me if they don't fit my work-flow. Instead, I make all my prompts "recurring tasks." So, maybe allow us to turn off any specific prompts. What I do need is a way to see "Someday" by label. For me, each label represents a project and reviewing the Someday list is a good way for me to see if there is a task related to a project that has bubbled-up in urgency or priority and I want to schedule it. I can sort by tag but that is visually more difficult to navigate.
Stephanie Ismail
Stefania sort by creation date. And even reminders like “hey, you’ve go 85 Someday tasks…review and get planning!” I HEAVILY rely on Someday for all my ideas and tasks large and small that I need to do but aren’t crazy urgent. Like someone else mentioned, adding Eisenhower matrix options would be cool. Though I guess we could make our own tags.
Jeson P
Stephanie Ismail: Thank you for this feedback. Regarding your concern about the sort option - We have the newest on top or oldest on top as a similar option for this. Is this not providing the needed function for you? (Sort wise)
Stephanie Ismail
Jeson P yes it helps but I have some “new” things that could be 60 days old. This is by no means urgent, but would be nice to have. I get so busy things really have to slap me in the face 😂
Jeson P
Stephanie Ismail: Got it! Thank you for your insight on this. :)